Living at the Intersection of Grace, Grits and the Ancient Faith...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why King David was a Southerner

Some may not realize this, but King David was a Southerner at heart. Here are the Top Ten Reasons we can claim King David as our own:

Top 10 Reasons Why King David was a Southerner

  1. He was born in the South. (Bethlehem was in the Southern Kingdom of Judah.)
  2. He was an avid outdoorsman.
  3. He came from a big family that owned a ranch.
  4. He frequently played a stringed instrument in public, to the delight of some and to the consternation of others.
  5. He was known to write his own tunes and lyrics from time to time.
  6. He knew how to use a weapon with deadly accuracy.
  7. He was in constant trouble with the law in his youth.
  8. He gave his sons names from the Old Testament.
  9. He left his home improvement project to his son to complete after his death.
  10. He lived to a ripe old age after a lifetime of fighting and died peacefully in his bed surrounded by his family.

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